FSB's Routing Number - Marion, IA

What is Farmers State Bank's Routing Number?

What is FSB's Routing Number?

Farmers State Bank's Routing Number is 073911676.

Routing numbers are essential in the banking world. They serve as unique identifiers for your bank and are used for electronic transactions like direct deposits, digital checks, and transfers.

Curious about routing numbers and how to find them? Explore this guide.

What is a Routing Number & Where is it?

A routing number is a nine-digit code that identifies your bank for electronic transactions like direct deposits, digital checks, transfers, and online bill payments.

Where Can You Find A Routing Number on a Check?

The routing number is located in the bottom left corner of your check. This unique nine-digit code is easy to spot and separate from other numbers on the check.

A mock check displaying FSB's routing number (073911676), account number, and check number. The routing number is located in the bottom left corner, the account number in the middle, and the check number on the right side. Each is labeled and positioned along the bottom of the check.

Where Else Can You Find FSB's Routing Number?

FSB's routing number is available in the footer of the website, providing quick access for your banking transactions.

Image of FSB's Routing Number (073911676) on the Website

Set Up Direct Deposit with FSB's Routing Number

1. Get a direct deposit form from your employer

Many employers offer direct deposit for payroll and will provide a form when you're hired. You'll need your bank's routing number, account number, and account type (checking or savings).

2. Attach any required documents

Depending on your employer, you may need to attach a voided check or additional documentation to verify your account details.

3. Submit the form

After completing the form and attaching any required documents, submit it to your employer's payroll department or HR representative.

Other Uses For Routing Numbers

Routing numbers allow for facilitating electronic payments for financial institutions. At FSB, this includes services like online bill payment and wire transfers.

With FSB's Online Banking, managing payments and transfers is safe and easy. Enroll today to streamline your financial transactions from home!

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