Home Loan Services
Home Loans Made Simple
Whether you're buying your first home, dream home, or refinancing, FSB's local lenders support you from application to closing day.
As a community bank, all loans are processed in-house, ensuring a smooth and personalized experience.

Local Loan Every Step of the Way
FSB's mortgage lenders are here to guide you through the home-buying process with personalized support:
Preapproval Process: Find out how much home you can afford
Application Assistance: Get help completing your application
Expert Support: Guidance on the best option for you
Today’s Home Loan Rates
Explore FSB's competitive rates and find the right fit for your mortgage needs.
Helpful Resources For Homebuyers
Explore these featured articles to help you through the mortgage process, from applying online to finding the best loan option for your needs.
Learn everything you need to know about applying for a mortgage before you start the process.
Key Topics:
What documents are needed to start the process
Different options to apply for a mortgage
Understanding how much purchasing power you have and more
Discover the difference between getting prequalified and preapproved for a mortgage. Find out which option is best for you and get started today!
Key Topics:
Understand the key differences between prequalified and preapproved and when to use each
Learn how one option gives you more power as a buyer
Find out what information you’ll need to get started
Explore various mortgage options in detail and find the best fit for your financial situation.
Key Topics:
The difference between a fixed and adjustable mortgage rate
Government loans available and who can qualify
How to choose the right mortgage option and more