Customer looking at FSB's fraud prevention resources to see Eastern Iowa trends.

Fraud Prevention

Keep Your Finances Secure with FSB

Stay safe from fraudsters with expert tips and advice to help you keep your money protected.

Reporting Fraud

If you suspect fraudulent activity or have concerns about your account security, please call FSB directly at (319) 377-4891.

Call FSB

Local Fraud Trends

Learn about the latest scams targeting local Iowa communities.

Consumer fraud trends in Eastern Iowa.

Consumer Fraud Trends

Arm yourself against fraud with expert insights on the latest Iowa trends.

See Recent Fraud Trends

Business fraud trends in Eastern Iowa.

Business Fraud Trend

Learn about the latest business fraud affecting Eastern Iowa organizations.

See Recent Business Fraud Trends

Keep Your Finances Secure with FSB

Stay safe from fraudsters with expert tips and advice to help you keep your money protected.

Reporting Fraud

If you suspect fraudulent activity or have concerns about your account security, please call FSB directly at (319) 377-4891.

Call FSB

Money Fraud

Protect your finances from counterfeit fraud with awareness.

Image of $100 bill.

Counterfeit Money

Recognize the signs of counterfeit money to protect yourself.

How to Detect Counterfeit Money

Image of a fraudster washing a check to cash in his name.

Check Washing

Discover how to prevent your checks from being altered and cashed.

Steps to Prevent Check Washing

Keep Your Finances Secure with FSB

Stay safe from fraudsters with expert tips and advice to help you keep your money protected.

Reporting Fraud

If you suspect fraudulent activity or have concerns about your account security, please call FSB directly at (319) 377-4891.

Call FSB

Online Security

Get tips to strengthen your digital security and protect against online threats.

Customer reading up on computer tips to protect her accounts.

Computer Security Tips

Enhance your online security to defend against digital fraudsters.

Protect Yourself Online

Image of a man getting information phished.

Identifying Phishing Attempts

Learn the communication tactics scammers use to trick you.

Explore Different Phishing Scams

Keep Your Finances Secure with FSB

Stay safe from fraudsters with expert tips and advice to help you keep your money protected.

Reporting Fraud

If you suspect fraudulent activity or have concerns about your account security, please call FSB directly at (319) 377-4891.

Call FSB

Targeted Scams

Discover how to identify targeted scams and keep your loved ones safe.

Grandparent being targeted because of age by fraudster.

Identifying Grandparent Scams

Learn how to spot grandparent scams and protect yourself from fraud.

Spotting Eldery Scams

Customer getting scammed by a social security fraudster.

Preventing Social Security Fraud

Find out how to spot and prevent Social Security fraud.

Tips to Prevent Social Security Scams

Customer getting an eAlert from the FSB Now mobile banking app

Stay in the Know

Get instant notifications about account activity to help you quickly catch any unauthorized transactions.